sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2016

As cores do arco-íris nos fazem lembrar de diversidade cultural. Cada cor corresponde ao um sujeito social, ideológico, histórico, carregado de significação e emissor de sentidos. Essas cores-sujeitos buscam um lugar social e discursivo que muitas das vezes, em sua euforia, não se preocupa com as estratégias de manipulação quando se constitui como sujeito. O importante não é o que se diz mas, como se diz: o dito pelo não dito.

(imagem da internet)

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2016


Once upon a time there was a girl, called Mary, who was not happy with her peaceful life and she wanted so much to go away, far from her life, to go to a place where she could see things that she never had seen before. She lived in a farm with her mother and father, she had only one friend. It was her dog, Puppy.

One day, Mary got away, with her dog, seeking for other places, so she went toward a way to a big gray mountain where onebody had been before. In a way to the big gray mountain, she tripped over a stone, hit her head on the floor and got unconscious. She awoke up in another place, with her dog licking her face, a strange place where everything were
smaller than usual.She was confused becouse she didn’t know where she was. Suddelly, she saw a little man walking toward to her, then she asked:

- Who are you? Where Am I? – And the man replied:

- You are beyond the horizon where all your dream can come true, but you have to
take care about yourself because there is a witch who doesn’t like foreign people and she already know that you are here in this place. – Mary replied:

- Oh, no! I want to come back home. I am good girl. I don’t know how I got here.

- The little man said:

- You are here because of you desired it. – The girl said:

- How can I get out of here? – The little man replied:

- You have to find the prince of this place, his name is Prince Love, but the witch never let you meet him because the witch love him with her soul in spite of he hates her because she is an evil woman.

Mary got so scared with that and decided to look for the Prince Love to get out of that place. The little man decides to go with her to protect her from evil being.

On the way to the Prince aim, the witch tried to kill Mary, the dog and the little man
by putting poison weapon on the flowers in the garden. When they smelt the flowers they fell asleep and the witch got them to her dark castle. When they woke up they were in a prison.

The witch said to them:

- You will all died. I will cook you in my big pan and eat you after.

When Mary, her dog and the little man were in the pan the Prince Love appeared,

knockout the witch and put she in the prison to never do bad things anymore. And rescue the girl and the little man. The Prince Love took them to his palace and give them all the good things there were in that land. But Mary was not happy at all because she wanted  to go back home. So the Price Love asked her:

- What is your desire my dear? – Mary said:

- I want my home. There is nothing better than home. – The Prince replied:

- Your wish is an order.

The Prince Love cautch a stone and hit it on the Mary’s head, she fell down and when she woke up she was on the way home with her dog.

When Mary got home she told all the things that had happened to her but her parents didn’t believe in her story. Mary got thoughtful about all the thing and said:

- There is nothing better than home.
